05 April 2005

Weather and other pointless conversations

I love days like this. Grey and wet and chilly...I don't know why - probably because we get so much sun here that the difference is refreshing. At any rate, puts me in a good mood which has become a rare thing lately. I'm sure it has something to do w/work and something to do w/the time of year. Open enrollment and the anniversary of my father's death are a combination I just don't seem able to rise above. Fortunately, I'm past it for another year and I seem to have gotten through it this year w/o actually gaining any weight for once! Yea me. Not for lack of trying though, I must admit.

There is something odd about posting my thoughts in a format that others have access to. I feel myself both trying to edit what I say and refusing to consider anything too closely. One of my most long-standing rules about writing is that I have to write as though no one will ever read what I've written. I know, I know - this goes against the whole 'consider your audience' rule we all learned in comp. class but I write like crap when I think some one else might read it some day. When I consider how much I've written for others to read I cringe.


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