07 July 2005

Maybe I'm not old enough to be in charge of my own checkbook...

Okay, so – let me tell you a little story. Imagine writing a check for $100.00…then, several days on, you hop online to check your account and you see this same check has cleared – good right? Except in this story, the check clears for $500.00. No big deal, take a deep breath – just call the bank have it fixed. Well, yeah, except you actually wrote the check for $500.00 and, no matter how hard you try convince them otherwise, they won’t do anything about it because, well – you wrote the damn check for $500.00! Almost any other month and this still wouldn’t be too much more than irritating – just take it out of savings, right? Yeah, right...oh, but I have no savings because I traded it all for 6 months of car insurance (seemed like the thing to do at the time - is this how Jack might have felt if the whole magic bean thing hadn't worked out?)…Yippee-skippee! On the bright side, my credit card is now paid off (and then some) and, if I somehow destroy my car, I have insurance that will probably (assuming they don't find a way out of it - and, let's face it, they probably will and then my rates will go through the roof but it won't matter because I won't be driving anymore anyway 'cause my car would have just been totaled and insurance sort of becomes a moot issue at that point anyway...) seem like a good deal for the cost. On the dark side, if my rent check hits the bank before tomorrow…it’s gonna bounce and there aint a blessed thing I can do to stop it (here's hoping that, even if it does bounce, I'll still have a place to live next month...even if it ends up costing me twice as much as usual...and hey, what's money for anyway...). Let’s all keep our fingers crossed for me (for the best of an incredibly stupid self-induced situation, k)?


At 07 July, 2005 17:33, Blogger Rob Seifert said...

Ouch! Unfortunately, been there done that. Hopefully rent clears! Don't worry though, if it doesn't, it'll take them till the middle of the month to figure it out.


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