Summer in the mundane...
There’s a part of me that cringes at what I’m about to do. I just have to bitch a bit about my co-worker and then I’ll stop, I promise. I can hear the voices now – they’re telling me there’s no point in bitching about anything you’re not willing to do something about – yes, I know…just, shut up for a minute, k?
I cannot comprehend how some people remain employed despite the fact they can’t remember how to do the simplest tasks. Things that should be straightforward for anyone in an office environment seem to be something of a challenge for the particular person I’m referencing. She is virtually incapable of using the computer in any useful way, she seems to think that it’s a good idea to keep poking our boss in the eye and then saying bad things about his attitude, she consistently doesn’t do anything she’s suppose to do and when the rare day comes in which she actually works, nothing is done correctly…whatever – I can’t begin to understand what it is she’s trying to accomplish. She just asked me why she couldn’t open a PDF file in Word…I can’t even count the number of times I’ve explained this to her…sigh…bleh…okay, that’s enough for now…
On the brighter side – I finished the 6th Harry Potter book – very good, very sad – had me in tears for most of the last 100 pages or so. Aside from all the hype, this series is really an enjoyable experience and I recommend it to everyone across the board…if you like this sort of thing, that is. I keep running in to people who don’t like fantasy/fiction stuff. What’s wrong with these people?? Do you have so little imagination?? Wouldn’t you just love to be a witch/wizard?? I love the idea of a world full of magical things – even if it had to come with the bad stuff too. How much more interesting things would be, don’t you think? Though, I suppose, if our world looked like that, it would seem commonplace, no? Sigh…I think I love these things as much because this world is not like that as anything. I may have mentioned it before but I have a horror of the mundane…or, rather, a horror of the mundane being all there really is…what an awful thought!
Thank whatever powers that be that we've finally gotten a break from the damn heat!! (however brief) I have a $50 Xcel bill this month! (yes, I know, that's not that bad really but you're talkin' to some one who's used to paying something closer to $20 and that extra $30 just sucks!) Please let it rain for a couple more days??