06 September 2005

PMS and other random thoughts...

Except for dinner on Friday w/N- and a late dinner Saturday w/K- I have seen no one and done very little for the past 3 days and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it…quite regretting that the time is already spent though. These weekends always seem to be gone just as they’re beginning. Ah, well, better that than the alternative, eh? I think I’ve figured out what was wrong with me last week – PMS…had a killer couple days there and now I’m all stocked up on sweets and potato chips I have no more cravings for. Despite the fact this series of events occurs in various incarnations every month, I seem to always find it surprising and mysterious…I suppose this doesn’t actually reflect well on my powers of recall? I’m never sure if it’s just a couple of down days or a legitimate hormonal thing…I suppose I could just make it easier on myself and blame it all on PMS regardless of the time-frame…it’s not like I’ve got anyone taking note of these things and I’d get to feel better for always having a legitimate excuse for my moods…I mean other than depression…you know – I hate having to say I’m depressed, people always want an explanation for that…PMS though – that’s an explanation in itself and no one questions that…they just give you a wider berth than usual and let you be…

I think I’ve managed to talk myself into a space where I’m okay with whatever happens with this other position I interviewed for. ‘Course, I say that and then I hear myself thinking things that manifestly contradict that statement…right, let’s just say I’d really, really like this band-aid to be ripped off as soon as possible and leave it at that. It’s icky torturous, this waiting!

Neighbors were quiet today…actually, got pulled into conversation while dragging my 40lbs of cat litter up the stairs. I have no idea why this is such an issue for me but, every damn time I bring a box of litter in, it’s a struggle to get up all those stairs with it. This is the one thing I would change about cat cohabitating…okay, not the only thing but, if I only got one, this would be it. Cat litter and all that that implies – the whole chore from beginning to middle to end is just…icky. The dust that gets kicked up, the stink that builds up, the ache in my knees and breathing through my mouth cleaning it up, the bags cutting into my fingers carrying it out and the damn 40lb boxes up all the damn stairs to begin the cycle again. The only thing I like about the process is that I end up with a freshly vacuumed house at least once a week for it…and I could live just fine without that. Okay, as a trade-off for having the furry little four-leggers…well, it still sucks but it’s done for another week and that’s all that matters now. Stay tuned for my upcoming in depth analysis of why laundry is such a bitch…


At 06 September, 2005 18:13, Blogger Rob Seifert said...

Hey Bec, go into your blog settings under comments and turn on the word verification to stop spammers like the Currency traders above. You can also delete the comments once you're signed in. As far as PMS goes, If you were PMS all the time, we'd assume something was seriously wrong. Take care lady, and don't forget, you've been tagged.


At 08 September, 2005 16:52, Blogger Weary Hag said...

Ohhhh PMS ... I remember it well. haha, I'm jokingly referring to the fact that I now suffer with pre-menopausal blues, which in some odd way, differs from the old PMS "I want to kill everyone in my sight" thing.

Do what you have to do and listen to RCS and Cher - they'll come through for ya every time.

At 08 September, 2005 18:19, Blogger Chipper Dip said...

Hmmm...seems being female never stops coming w/a price, eh?

Rob & Cher - They've never let me down and don't expect them to start now.


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