23 January 2006

Writer's block

The blank page is among the cruelest things to face…I know this is an extreme exaggeration but, of late, I find the sight of an empty page more intimidating that such a simple thing has any right to be. It just sits there, waiting and, in turning to my head for what should fill all that space, there I find the same awful blankness. It’s frustrating beyond belief! Frustrating and demoralizing. How can I make my living writing if I have no words to say?? I’ve spent so much of my life with my head full of words and, now that I’ve created the space in my life to write them down, they’ve deserted me. Bleh…it would seem I’ve fallen prey to the writer’s curse before I’ve even begun to try. My mind has dried up and I’m desperate for inspiration but all I find is distraction and the same empty page over and over again. Reasonably, this will end, the words will come again and line up to be put to the page but, right now…right now they’re on strike or some such ridiculous thing and I’m left with nothing say but to complain about something a million people before and more after me will experience. The awful sense that I’m just like everyone else is gaining clarity and purpose. Maybe the point is to be like everyone else and see where that takes me? Is there a blogger out there that hasn’t, at one point or another, complained of a lack of inspiration? See, I’m already on my way…


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