Some thoughts from the wee hours when wiser folk were sleeping...
May what is needed be offered more often than what is desired.
I’m sorry,
I never saw you.
I’m sorry,
You never found me.
Thank you,
For offering anyway
Weighed by loss, I’m pretty light
Loss by weight, edges into tons
Thoughts fly, memories fade
But pain…that lingers
Spiking what memory leaves behind
I can’t remember
Where it was
What it looked like
But the scent of it…
Reminding me of home
How can I smell what’s never been smelled?
How can I move what’s never been moved?
How can I breathe what’s never been breathed?
Unique, was never the point
Experience is
This is REALLY good Bec! Don't be shocked that you might actually be a poet. You've always enjoyed other people's so it's kind of natural that you should write this way so well. Stay with it and see where it takes you. Have fun with the journey!
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