12 September 2005

Pictures, flash drives and other thoughts...

Okay, here is my (not so little) brat cat, Sinclaire. For those of you who've been following along, this is the furry four-legged child who has worked his way through every available electrical cord he's been able to get his teeth on...and through. Who couldn't love this face?? He's a year old as of the 18th this month - how is that possible?? Have I really been in this place a whole year now??

Seriously, just got a new camera-spent too much and got more camera than I was looking for but I'm not complaining - just look at the kind of pictures I've been taking (all of my cats so far - no, I don't need any comments about my cat-ladyhood becoming more and more evident)! And, as I'm going on a 7 day cruise in October, I think it'll come in quite handy. It's a cute little Sony # they call the 'Cyber-Shot' whatever the hell that's supposed to mean-7.2 megapixals. I'm hoping this means I won't have to buy another camera for years to come. I had no idea how much fun I could have w/just a camara and...well, let's not really get into that...

Also got my first flash drive - I had no idea these things were so nifty! I can hardly wait to load it up and carry around far too much information in one place just cuz I can. I will never go back to discs again - not when I can have this cute little USB thingy instead...don't quite know what I find so remarkable about it except I've been exceedingly pleased with the damn thing from the moment I took it out of the package...maybe I'm looking for excitement in all the wrong places?? Apparently technology is the path to a happy me at the moment.

As another point of absolutely no interest to anyone but myself, I completely rearranged my living room this weekend and decided to put all of my CD's into those folder thingys and get rid of all the jewel cases...so far, I'm pleased with the results for both CD's and living room...we'll see how long it lasts but, as it is, this is the first time I've had easy access to all my CD's since I moved in a year ago and had both doorways into the back half of the apartment open and I'm quite excited about the whole thing. Next project is shelves for the DVD's - yes! I will stop living out of boxes in the very near future...probably just in time to box everything up and move again but, well, that's how it works, right?

All the projects this weekend and I got very little sleep...at night...so today I'm working on about 3.5 hours of sleep-most of it not good. I really, really, need to stop doing these things-seemed completely reasonable last night to stay up and finish the whole CD project even allowing that it kept me up till 3:00 am (as a side note - The Incredibles is way funny at that time of day)...at least for as long as I work a 8-5 sort of job...bleh...why is it I do so much better between 10:00pm and 5:00am than I do between 7:00am and 5:00pm?

Speaking of movies (I was, wasn't I?), finally saw "Donnie Darko" this weekend...now, maybe I'm just stupid 'cause I know this thing is supposed to be a big cult thing but I don't really get it...I mean, I get it, but I don't see what the big deal is supposed to be? I kept waiting for it to resolve itself into that 'wow-neat-idea' thing and it just...didn't really ever get there...I rewatched it just to be sure and it's still underwhelming...

Okay, so I think that's it for now...nothing terribly coherent but, hell - you can't expect me to string everything together well on 3.5 hours of sleep, right?


At 13 September, 2005 11:55, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you just love your falsh drive? Glad to hear you were successful in finding one!

At 13 September, 2005 11:59, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about the typo...I know it is called a flash drive...I hate it when my fingers move faster than my brain!

At 13 September, 2005 14:02, Blogger Chipper Dip said...

absolutely!! It's the neatest thing I've purchased since...I don't know...maybe my television...

At 17 September, 2005 07:40, Blogger Weary Hag said...

Your kitty is adorable and it looks like he has plenty of catitude working for him!

I haven't played around much with flash drive. I'm just having a ball watching the man of the house sit for hours smiling at the thing. He uses it for everything and can't remember what he ever did without it!

Hope you're able to catch up on some sleep soon.

At 20 September, 2005 09:44, Blogger Rob Seifert said...

Chuckle... Congratulations on the new camera and my appologies for not getting checking blogs this week. I've been doing other things. The cat's are lovely and I'm certain the Flash Drive will prove useful. I love my digital camera too, as well you know.



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